About Us

It's tough out there, we know.

The modern dating world is a minefield. Trying to find some clear intentions and traditional values amongst the wasteland that hookup culture has created is exhausting.
The big apps are gamified, gimmicky dopamine sinks that want you to stay single.

What you'll find on typical mainstream dating apps:

Just another niche dating app?
We don't think so.

We aren’t here for games. On the Courtship Network, there is no swiping, ‘matching’, extra perks that come at a price or any kind of restriction on your ability to meet others. Messages can be sent by anyone, to anyone. Just filter by your preferences and start talking.

What you'll find on the Courtship Network:

Plus, we are 100% affiliate based.

All users must sign up through one of our affiliates. These are leaders in the online space who teach, practice and share content on traditional relationship dynamics, parenting and faith-guided living.

They have skin in this game.

Not only does this add a layer of exclusive access, but you are also supporting the whole anti-hookup movement when you join!